Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kids are mean...

We went to a little petting zoo today, and one kid, maybe 6yrs old, stared real hard, and turned right around as we walked by him. He even said to his dad "ah look." First time that has happened, and I wanted to punch the little kid!! Again, makes me wonder if he'll be better by the time he is in school. Originally I didn't want him to go to daycare with this, because I thought he'd get made fun of. But as we hang around more younger kids, I realize they don't care. But I PRAY that it's cured by the time he has to go to school. Because those older kids will make fun of him. Kids are mean. And it would break
my heart to know my baby is being picked on at school.

On a better note, we did finally find a good daycare. The woman who runs it wasn't phased by his neck at all. She was really supportive. The other kids there didn't even notice as they all played together. I'm feeling better about leaving my little man in a few short months. Especially now that I know he won't get made fun of at daycare.

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