Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Out and About

Everything I've read about this said they have to remove everything in order for it to be successful and not come back. I would hate that Kaiden would have to deal with this for the rest of his life. I still wonder
if I could've done something different to make this not happen. I know I couldn't - it's just something that happens sometimes. But still I feel a bit of guilt, like I did this to him.
I've been to the mall a couple times with him and got weird looks from people. It makes me really angry. I can't believe grown adults can be so insensitive. But honestly, before this happened to us, I probably
would've stared too. Good thing it's winter and I hardly ever feel like leaving the house in the freezing cold! Hopefully this will all be taken care of by the time spring/summer weather arrives!!
Kaiden meet a few of my friends from highschool and I was super nervous about their reaction. They treated him just like a normal baby and still thought he was super cute. One girl, who is actually a nurse, made a good comment that it's nothing what he has. She's seen a lot worse as a nurse. I need to realize that we are lucky that this is all he has. There are so many other people dealing with things that are worse. We are lucky that he is healthy, and will eventually be fixed. I go through good days and bad days. Sometimes feeling sorry for myself, sometimes being angry, sometimes being sad, sometimes not caring at all and truly happy that I have the best baby in the world! It's a never ending roller coaster ride!

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