Sunday, August 7, 2011

New friends, new advice, new strength...

I came across a few other people dealing with children with cystic hygoroma today on facebook. It's nice to know I'm not alone. I feel bad about not posting pictures of Kaiden's neck on facebook. I'm not embarassed. I feel like I need to protect him from ridicule. I feel like it will all be over soon, and I can pretend it never happened. Is that completely ridiculous? He's 9 months old today, and we are still a long ways from being rid of this. I never imagined it would take this long. But as I hear other stories, we are lucky. We don't have to deal with a feeding tube, we don't have to deal with surgeries (yet), we don't have to deal with other complications...

I did come across this quote and it says alot...

You Are Strong
How often has it happened - an acquaintance hears your story or sees your child and says, "I'm not as strong as you. I could never deal with all the things you deal with." And you brush it off, and maybe even feel a little condescended to. But you know what? They're right. You are strong. You are facing things that the average parent doesn't even want to imagine, and you're handling them. Whether you were strong to begin with or had strength thrust upon you by necessity, you're one strong parent, one strong person. Your family needs that strength, your children thrive on it. You may wish you never had to be strong. But appreciate that strength now. It makes you special, capable, a force to be reckoned with.

1 comment:

  1. Great quote! You are a strong parent, a strong mother, a strong woman! Things in life are never perfect but they are never the worst they could be either. It sounds to me like you have the best worst case scenario when it comes to Kaiden. He doesn't have any of those awful syndromes that tend to go along with CH. He is the smartest, cutest, happiest little boy and to think of all the things that could have happened. None the less, there are tough times ahead but you and your partner can handle them. You are strong! Love you. Great blog!
