Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Trips Out and About

I finally brought Kaiden to work to visit. I was worried people would stare and think he was a freak. They were amazing. Everyone loved him and said he was adorable. He charmed them with his smiles! I felt relief! These people were understanding, because they knew everything I went through, and a lot of them are mothers themselves. And some of them even went through crappy experiences with their own children.

I also took Kaiden to a couple classes at the YMCA, but I had hooded sweaters on him hiding his neck. I'm realizing this isn't going away anytime soon and I have to accept that my baby looks different.
We are blessed that this is all we have to deal with. My friend, lost her baby a couple months before she was due. I can't imagine dealing with that! We are blessed that that didn't happen to us, and that Kaiden is healthy aside from the cyst. It's not affecting his development at all.

We started Mommy and Baby Fit swim at Breithaupt centre pool. His neck was right out there for everyone to see. I was a little nervous at first, but I am trying not to care if people stare at him. There was only
one other Mom in the class, and it didn't seem to phase her at all. She still commented on how beautiful his eyes are. The instructor dude looked at him a little weird, but I may just be overreacting. I will definitely be going back, and it was a great step towards not caring what people think!

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