Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Second Opinion

Kaiden is 4 months old today! Times flies! We met a second dr at McMaster today. Sitting in the exam room, I still get teary eyed and pissed off that we even have to do this at all. I think about my niece who doesn't have to go through any of this crap. It's not fair. What did we do to deserve going through all this. Maybe because I know we are strong enough to get through it. But I can't keep letting these thoughts get the best of me. I have to be strong because my little boy is strong, and needs his mom. I've learned a lot about myself in this process. I am very strong, and want to be there for my little guy as much as possible. I've also learned he is an amazing baby! Sure he doesn't sleep through the night, but he smiles at the numerous new dr faces he sees, even though they poke and prode at him. I haven't meet a person yet that doesn't love this baby!
This dr has worked with our current one on his prior cystic hygroma patients. He is the one that does the surgeries. He pretty much told us the same things we've been hearing this whole time. There are major nerves
coming out from under his ear that go to the whole right half of his face. They are very fine, like his hair, so could easily be cut. It's very hard to get those nerves back if that does happen. He said even if we do surgery they may not be able to remove it all. Leaving any behind also leaves behind the chance of it returning. He also let me know about another patient, he had treated that same morning with injections. He said it was slow going at the beginning and then all of a sudden each injection got more noticeable results. It was much worse
than Kaiden's and they've seen great results with injections alone. I understand it's a slow process, but I am impatient. I can look past the cyst, and I am starting not to care what other people think. But I just want him fixed. I don't want him to have to go to daycare and possibly get made fun of because he looks different than the other kids. I'm hoping and praying these injections start giving us more results. I have noticed it has decreased in size, and I am trying to be patient. The dr's know what they are doing, and obviously know the best way to treat this. We just have to have faith and believe in not only them, but that this is meant to happen for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. I LIVE by that statement since this all happened.
Kaiden at 4 months old

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