Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our Wonderful Mother-in-Law

I went to a couple healing masses with Kaiden. The priest blessed Kaiden directly and said the blessing from us can be passed on to him. So he got triple blessed that night! I felt like crying as he prayed over my baby...not sure why.
I have prayed the novena for months now praying for him to be cured! I believe that God had already cured him of a lot of other things while he was in utero. But still, I feel hopeless at times. I feel frustrated, and let down. But I have to try and keep positive thoughts. Thank goodness for my mother-in-law, who is our most supportive person, she came to the second healing mass with me.  She's been the one we call whenever we are feeling sad. She's just SO positive, and always making us feel better. She got us through everything so far. I never knew my husband would call her when he was upset about this, especially while I was pregnant, and she would make him feel better. He would then pass on those good feelings to me. We are so blessed to have her in our lives. She doesn't realize how special she is to us, because words can't describe what she has done and continues to do for us.

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