Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Appts, appts and more appts...

Dr left a message today that they aren't prepared to proceed with surgery at this point, and they will re-asses Kaiden in a month with another ultrasound. He didn't mention anything about continuing injections. I was pretty pissed off. The injections seem to slowly be working and I think we should keep going with injections. He is gone for one week and will call us back when he's back at the hospital. I want to make sure he is aware that we want to proceed with injections. I think they are working, even though it is slow going, it's at least something. I don't want to just sit around and wait for a miracle. We need to be helping that miracle happen.

The next week, the dr called again. He wants to book an appt to see Kaiden in the clinic in a couple weeks to do another thorough exam of him and take some pictures of the progress. He's only seen him after injections, and would like to examine him once the injections has had time to do it's job. He discussed Kaiden's case with the whole pediatric surgery team and they are pretty much just staying to be patient. Injections will take time, and they arne't ready to jump to surgery right now. There is too much risk involved with the nerves in his face. He has had such success with injections in the past that he's been dissapointed with the results from these. But the other dr's have had cases that just take time. I wonder if by "time" they mean years. I would hate to send Kaiden off to daycare with this on his neck still, but it's looking like that might be the case now. Maybe I won't be going back to work in October. But that's still a ways away and I've been praying really hard! Miracles DO happen, and I believe he will be treated of this. Even if it does take time. Next injection will be in about a month.

I drove all the way to Hamilton for a world record appointment. 15  minutes in and out. And the same results I knew before we went. We are going to continue injections. The back of his neck will be easier to get rid of, as the skin has become tight in between the cysts. That's good. Under his neck will take more time. He will have excess skin there for a few years until he grows into it. You can tell already the cysts have decreased and he does have excess skin already. I was looking at pictures from before, and it's gone down alot. My husband and I always say we are going to kiss it away, because we always kiss his neck where the cysts are. Kaiden loves it and it makes him laugh sometimes too. We got extra space just perfect for kisses.

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