Thursday, August 11, 2011

The waiting game...

It's been a month and a half since the last injection. I had hoped we would've at least had another one scheduled by now, or had a follow-up appointment. But things take SO long to get going. I emailed pictures of the progress on Kaiden's neck. It's funny how all of a sudden I notice how much smaller it has gotten, and am happy. Then the next day it seems big again, and I'm discouraged with all the work we have left to do.
The dr wants to do a CT scan before continuing with injections, just to compare to the prior one. I tried to push for another injection asap, but he wants to wait. I guess he is the professional!!  This is such a waiting game...
I'm back to work in 9 weeks. I can't believe it. It's going to be really exhausting working and doing these appointments. Plus my husband is working out of town all week, so I'll be on my own. At least my work is willing to compromise with me and give me paid days off for his appointments. I really lucked out with my manager being SO supportive through all this.

Kaiden at 9 months old

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the success thus far! And for having a supportive manager. It is hard sometimes with jobs, every little blessing helps! Let us know when the next round of injections will be!
