Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some people should just shut their mouths...

I was at the grocery store today. I had an older woman come up to me and tell me how cute Kaiden was. I was so happy. It feels like people are just looking past his neck and seeing the true cutest of this little dude!
Then, I was waiting in line and another lady came up to me. She asked how old he was, and then asked what was wroung with his face. I told her and she said, "He'd be so cute if he didn't have that on his face." I was speechless. I didn't even know what to say. I knew the people in line where staring at me, wondering how I would respond. I almost cried right there. Luckily, she walked away before I slapped her! Then I just said out loud to Kaiden, that he is cute no matter what. He really is, and I want him to know that.
Some people just make me shake my head...

1 comment:

  1. I dont quite understand people sometimes. That was a horrid comment. I dont agree either, he's beautiful just as he is. Ive had my share of crappy comments too and it's hard. But I will tell ya things like this show peoples TRUE colors pretty darn fast, dontcha think!
