Monday, November 14, 2011


Kaiden turned one on November 8th. The last year went so fast, and was filled with many ups and downs along the way. I am so proud and blessed to have this little boy in my life now. Even though things haven't been perfect, I've loved every minute of it. Looking back on this past year, it's amazing to see how much my life has changed. It's not about me anymore, it's about him. He gets more personality, more friendly and more funny everyday. It's so amazing watching him grow, learn and try new things. You always hear that time flies...but you don't realize it until you have kids!!

On a more negative note, we were orginially told we'd be done all the treatments and procedures by now. It's taken a lot longer than originally expected. We have an ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday to see if another injection would be worthwhile, or if we'll just schedule surgery for next year. My thoughts are torn about this. On one hand, I'd like to just continue injections. They aren't as invasive or traumatic for him. On the other hand, I'd like to do the surgery and possibly be done with this for awhile. But thinking about it, is so hard. I wish I could just be the one going through this. I hate seeing him have to deal with this.

But he is a strong little boy, and he makes me proud of him everyday! Happy Birthday Kaiden!! We love you so very much!! Let's try and keep this one more positive!!

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