Tuesday, December 6, 2011

No More Injections

We had an ultrasound appointment November 23rd, and the results showed only small cysts left. The largest two were about 2cm. The dr has advised that he believes we've done all we can with the injections up to this point. He believes the next best course of action is surgery. We have an appointment scheduled for February 16th just to discuss the risks, procedures, recovery time expected, etc, etc. Then we will proceed with surgery either the end of March or early April.
I guess I feel good knowing we may be coming to a close on "Kaiden's Journey," but I also realize realistically this is something we are going to have to manage for his whole life. The dr has advised he won't be able to remove everything, but will do as much as possible. I guess I am also happy we are doing this now, instead of at a time when he would remember it. They do say babies heal faster than adults, so that's a positive point too!
I know Kaiden will prove again how strong he is and he will make me even prouder of him. I love that little man so much!

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