Friday, October 7, 2011

Another injection day done!

I'm finally getting around to writing about our most recent injection. We had an original appointment on Septemeber 20th but Kaiden had a cold so it was postponed until the 27th. I remember lying in bed watching the minutes tick by thinking, "...need to sleep, gonna be SO tired if I don't just sleep..." I'm still so nervous the night before these appoitments. This is our 6th one and you think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not. I eventually feel asleep only to hear my alarm at 3am to give Kaiden his last feed. Then I was back to watching those minutes tick!
We got to the hospital 2 hours early as required, and waited, waited and waited. They finally told us that the equipment wasn't working for the first appointment so we would be postponed at least another 45 minutes. Good thing Kaiden is easily amused strolling around the halls. I could've had a nap on his stretcher, while my mother-in-law wheeled him all over the place. We finally got in at 1pm, 2 hours behind schedule. I was starving, so I don't get how Kaiden wasn't freaking out. It's almost like he knows what's about to happen.
The injections went well, the dr said they did a lot of work. We had a good chat with the dr and saw his most recent CT scan. Boy, is there ever a lot of cysts wound in throughout all his nerves and vessels. We're just lucky it doesn't affect his airway or tongue. He advised us again that surgery will be required eventually, and still Kaiden may not ever be 100% "perfect." The surgery won't get rid of it all either, because some is so small and right up to his temple. But we'll take whatever we can get, and go one procedure at a time!
He came out of anesthetia quite quickly. He was super fussy, wouldn't drink from the bottle they gave, rolled around and cried for a bit, then fell back asleep. He did this a few times, before we were able to leave about 2 hours later. He drank a lot milk from his cup and ate some berries before we headed home. He slept the whole way home too. Poor little guy. We got home and he ate a huge dinner and had a big burst of energy right at bedtime, so he got to stay up an extra half hour. He slept all night too. The next day he seemed back to his normal self.
We have noticed some swelling which is normal. He had one day where he was not feeling well, 3 days later, and we just cuddled on the couch all day long. He slept a lot for a couple days around there, and is back to normal once again. It's hard to tell if the swelling is gone down at all since I see him everyday. Our next follow up appointment is booked for October 20th.

He also started daycare part time this week. I'm back to work full time in one week, and we wanted to start him early so the transition is easier. He really likes it, and I hope it stays that way! I think it'll be harder on me that him. I was always so worried about having kids make fun of him at daycare about his neck, but I've noticed that the younger kids don't really care. They are more curious than anything. His daycare ladies are super nice, and aren't phased by his neck at all. It took awhile to find a good daycare, but it all seems to work out in the end.

Kaiden at 10 months
                                                                      The morning of the injection

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