Thursday, May 10, 2012

Follow up appt complete!

We had a follow up appt with our dr that did Kaiden's surgery last good and not so good news. Good news that there is no nerve damage, he was nervous about his tongue since it was a little droopy, but it seemed to have corrected itself. He was very pleased with that, as we were all a little worried for awhile there. He was also pleased with how much the swelling has gone down. On the not so good side, he thinks some cysts have grown back behind his ear, and we may have to do more schlero back there. The area infront of his ear, he will hopefully "grow into," and the area under his chin is still a bit swollen. Next appt September...glad we have the summer appt free!! I have to admit I was hoping to hear, "it'll all go away and he'll look perfect!" I need to get out of this dream world I live in!!

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