Thursday, May 10, 2012

Follow up appt complete!

We had a follow up appt with our dr that did Kaiden's surgery last good and not so good news. Good news that there is no nerve damage, he was nervous about his tongue since it was a little droopy, but it seemed to have corrected itself. He was very pleased with that, as we were all a little worried for awhile there. He was also pleased with how much the swelling has gone down. On the not so good side, he thinks some cysts have grown back behind his ear, and we may have to do more schlero back there. The area infront of his ear, he will hopefully "grow into," and the area under his chin is still a bit swollen. Next appt September...glad we have the summer appt free!! I have to admit I was hoping to hear, "it'll all go away and he'll look perfect!" I need to get out of this dream world I live in!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Follow up appt is looming...

Kaiden's surgery has been over a month ago. I'm impressed that he is back to his rowdy little self. His personality and spunk are back, and I am so thankful that this surgery didn't change the amazing child that he is. It was a rough go for awhile, he didn't trust us, and thought we were always trying to hurt him. But yet he didn't like being away from us. That's back to normal too, he doesn't mind at all when I drop him off at daycare anymore. He'll even let me clean his swollen ear, and the incision has healed very well.
He is still swollen, and we were hoping by now the swelling would be much less. It's hard to know what to expect, as this is the first surgery we've gone through. We have a follow-up appointment on Thursday, and I'm nervous to see what the dr thinks about his progress. His chin  and ear are still noticeably different. I got my hopes up too high that his face will magically go back to "normal." I'm wondering now if that will ever actually happen. It's impossible not to worry that the cysts have grown back and that's why it hasn't reduced as much as we had hoped.

I guess we'll just wait and see what the dr says on's hoping for good news, and that this is a typical recovery!