Friday, December 14, 2012

More treatments coming up...

The dr confirmed our suspicions, and agreed that Kaiden's ear and cheek seem more swollen than last time he saw him. We have an ultrasound scheduled for Christmas Eve at 9:00am. Good side of that is that both Mike and I are off work, and it's early, so we shouldn't be there all day long. We should still be able to salvage Christmas Eve after the appointment. We will also spoil him rotten the next day!

Hopefully, we will have another schlero (injection) appointment scheduled for the beginning of January. If they aren't able to fit us in then, we will have to wait until after the new baby comes. Probably March or April. The dr agreed we should get it done now, as we always wait awhile after each injection to do anything else.

I originally thought the timing was horrible. But if we can get this injection appointment done before the baby comes, then Kaiden will hopefully still have some time to recover from it before becoming a big brother and dealing with that big change too. I'm not worried about the physical recovery, as he always bounced back quickly after being sedated. He just needs a good sleep and a good meal, and he's back. I'm more worried about his emotional state afterwards. He was so untrusting of us after the surgery, that I hope this appointment doesn't bring back those memories or emotions. I guess only time will tell...


  1. Hi how is Kaiden now, interested as my grandaughter has almost identical cystic hygroma.

  2. He had another schlero therapy injection in January, but minimal results. For now, we are just monitoring. The swelling goes up and down depending on if he gets ill or not. The surgery was the one treatment that gave the best results. We are meeting our Dr again on Thursday and will make a game plan at that point. It's hard because he has a lot of micro cysts left, and the shlero doesn't work well for those. Best of luck for your grandaughter!

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