Sunday, March 25, 2012

Surgery day is looming...

It's is on Tuesday. To make things a little more stressful, Kaiden has a runny nose and has been sneezing a lot the last two days. When I dropped him off at daycare on Monday, one of the babysitters was sick. My gut reaction was to just take him right home, but I left him for the day. I feel bad taking more time off work since I'll be gone for 2 weeks so soon. But looking back now, I need to realize to trust those gut feelings. He probably got this cold from her. I'm praying he will be rid of this tomorrow, so surgery goes on as scheduled. We've come so close, and to have it postponed would be heartbreaking. The countdown is driving me crazy, it's coming so fast, yet I've been dreading it for so long! I just want it over with, and my little man on the mend.

1 comment:

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