Thursday, February 16, 2012


We had a consultation and follow up today. I was expecting the dr to simply say surgery is set and that's what the next step is. After a few pokes he said we can either prodceed with surgery, scheduled for March 27th or continue with injections. He will book an ultrasound next week to see if there are any cysts that are injectable now. The mass feels much softer to him, so he thinks some scar tissue may have healed, since the last schlerotherapy session was 6 months ago.
So...we wait...until we have the ultrasound, hopefully next week, and decide from there. I'm not sure what results I want from the ultrasound. I was preparing myself for the surgery, and am kind of dissapointed that is might be postponed another 6 months. I think about it almost everyday, and think if we do the surgery now, the rest of the treatment will be relatively minimal compared to that....I don't know....

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