Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We've decided...

We had our ultrasound last Thursday. Kaiden was once again great, waiting almost an hour and a half with me. Once we got in the room, he squirmed a bit at first, but then settled down once we started reading some books. He let the lady do her thing and we were done in about 10 minutes.

We got the call from the dr on Sunday. There are 3 cysts that are about 2 cms in his ear area. So our choices are the same as before...injection then surgery, or vice versa. It's a tough decision. I got a lot of great advice from other moms on facebook, who've gone through similar things and the majority are saying to get the surgery done while he's still young. We can then do an injection on his ear area, if that isn't as successful as we hope, there is a possibility of a second surgery on his that area. I feel like we've prepared for this surgery mentally already, so why not just get it done now. The date is set for March 27th, and we have less than one month until that day.
I dread the thought of leaving my little boy on the operating table and having this done to him, but it's either now or later. I feel like the timing is just right for having this done now. I pray this is the right decision, and there are no complications to his precious smile!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


We had a consultation and follow up today. I was expecting the dr to simply say surgery is set and that's what the next step is. After a few pokes he said we can either prodceed with surgery, scheduled for March 27th or continue with injections. He will book an ultrasound next week to see if there are any cysts that are injectable now. The mass feels much softer to him, so he thinks some scar tissue may have healed, since the last schlerotherapy session was 6 months ago.
So...we wait...until we have the ultrasound, hopefully next week, and decide from there. I'm not sure what results I want from the ultrasound. I was preparing myself for the surgery, and am kind of dissapointed that is might be postponed another 6 months. I think about it almost everyday, and think if we do the surgery now, the rest of the treatment will be relatively minimal compared to that....I don't know....